Statement of Purpose for PhD in Computer Science: 2 MIT Samples

If you are reading this, you’re probably thinking of applying to Computer Science PhD programs.

We’ve prepared this guide to specifically help you navigate the challenging task of writing a statement of purpose for PhD in computer science.

We’ve used three SOPs, two of which were accepted at MIT and one at the University of Washington.

Obviously, these three SOPs are in no way representative of the full range of statements of purpose that get acceptance at top universities.

Therefore, if the profiles represented are different from yours, don’t get discouraged.

However, regardless of your background, we’d advise that you pay special attention to the structure and language used.

From our experience, many applicants fumble with how they describe their background and experiences.

We hope that won’t be the case anymore after reading our analysis and samples.

The samples used here were generously shared by people who are now students at MIT and University of Washington.

We therefore do not own any rights to the statements of purpose.

Our objective is to use these SOPs for educational purposes especially to help those affected by information asymmetry and the uneven distribution of educational resources.

We’re now offering one-on-one expert guidance on how to write a statement of purpose. This is in addition to our reviewing, editing, and standardizing services. Check out our ordering page, fill out the required details and let us help you craft a statement of purpose that will flood your email with admission offers.

Side Note: Does your recommender need a guide/sample? We’ve created this for him/her

Letters of Recommendation: A Necessary Guide and Sample

How to start a Statement of Purpose for PhD in Computer Science

Before you start writing a statement of purpose, or any other admission essay, you need to prepare.

In preparing, the first place to start is looking at whether the university or program you’re applying to have specific requirements for their statement of purpose.

The requirements at MIT may vary from those at University of Chicago.

Look at the example below.

MIT has specific prompts or areas that your statement of purpose, called statement of objectives, must cover.

MIT Statement of Objectives
MIT Statement of Objectives

On the contrary, the University of Washington gives the word limit only, leaving you to describe your suitability for the program using the universal formula.

Summary of Required Materials
University of Washington Statement of Purpose

TAKE AWAY: Visit the university/program website to check if they have specific prompts to be followed. Follow these prompts to the letter. We recommend that you copy paste the requirements into your document so that you can always crosscheck to ensure you’re on track.

Introductory Narrative

Like with many other genres, writing the introduction to a Statement of Purpose for PhD in Computer Science is challenging.

Yet its importance cannot be stated enough as it sets the tone for the statement of purpose.

A bland and boring introduction may undermine a rich repertoire of experience and skills documented in subsequent parts.

From experience, all the statements of purpose we’ve reviewed and read start with one of the two formulae.

The first is a personal story that describes the applicants’ interest in the subject and field of study.

Childhood stories are also common as an introductory framework. We however do not encourage their use. A childhood story or personal story may set you apart as a human being but not as a PhD candidate.

If you must use them, make them credible and authentic and ensure that they are seamlessly linked to your research interest.

We’ve previously analyzed an MIT accepted Biomedical Engineering SoP that started off with a personal/childhood story so it’s no deal breaker.

The second approach, which we’d recommend, is to broadly state your research goals. This may be in the form of an unresolved problem in your area of interest. It may also take the form of an intriguing problem that you need to explore more about.

Let’s look at how these applicants have framed their introductory narratives.

MIT Accepted SoP for PhD in CS (1)

The introduction of MIT accepted SoP for PhD in CS sample 1
How to start a SoP for PhD in CS


This SoP starts with a series of questions. The applicant then states the research interests and the broad goals of pursing a PhD in computer science.

University of Washington Accepted SoP for PhD in CS

The introduction of University of Washington accepted SoP for PhD in CS sample
How to start a Statement of Purpose for PhD in Computer Science


The applicant goes straight to the research interests. The motivation for pursuing a PhD is broadly stated followed by future goals.

MIT Accepted SoP for PhD in CS (2)

The introduction of MIT accepted SoP for PhD in CS sample 2
Another way of starting a SoP for PhD in CS


This applicant starts with a one liner that states the research interest.

TAKE AWAY: There are different ways of starting a statement of purpose for PhD in computer science. Whichever method you use, make sure that you state your PURPOSE for applying aka your research interest.


This is the section of the SoP where you brand yourself.

The admission committee will probably sieve through thousands of applications. It’s therefore in your best interest to make it easy for them to determine straightaway that you are qualified for the program.

Therefore, be direct when talking about your experiences, accomplishments, and qualifications.

From our experience, creating a personal narrative is one of the most effective ways of creating a compelling statement of purpose.

We recommend a chronological way of describing your qualifications and experiences as this reflects your personal and professional growth.

You can start with your undergraduate work, professional engagements, relevant extracurricular, awards, and publications.

Please note carefully that how you describe your experiences may set you apart from other candidates.

Before we examine how the SoPs under examination here have described their experiences, it’s important that we list these tips for your benefit.

  1. Describe where you’ve demonstrated accomplishments, leadership, and collaboration
  2. State concrete achievements from these experiences
  3. Quantify your experiences for instance by showing numbers
  4. Show the impact of your work
  5. Describe actions as opposed to emotional state
  6. Explain the meaning of your experiences

We’ll explain these tips shortly as we highlight how they have been employed in our samples.

MIT Accepted SoP for PhD in CS (1)

Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to MIT CS program 1 of 3
SoP for PhD in CS 1/3
Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to MIT CS program 2 of 3
SoP for PhD in CS 2/3
Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to MIT CS program 3 of 3
SoP for PhD in CS 3/3

What makes this SOP for PhD in CS so special?

In this SoP that was accepted at MIT, the applicant describes the experience in a chronological manner, showing how she has grown as a person and a student/scholar.

She mentions the professors she has worked with, an aspect which enhances the credibility of her experience.

Remember that the adcom is not just interested in your academic suitability but also how you’ll fit it as part of a team.

The use of “we” in this SOP underlines the applicant’s collaborative skills.

She doesn’t hesitate to flaunt her achievements or roles when she uses “I”.

Her personality (resilience) is captured where she describes how she learned from disappointments.

Her growth as a researcher is captured in the second paragraph where she states that her first project left her with unanswered questions which she hoped the second project would help answer.

Notice also how she mentions her publications as culmination of research work.

Also noticeable is the repeated use of strong verbs such as contributed, learned, presented, collected, actualized, recommended, modeled etc.

Her research work has quantifiable impact and has led to her present research interest.

Moreover, the applicant has described other relevant experiences namely leadership and mentoring.

Her leadership and mentoring roles are aligned with her research interests as shown in the fourth paragraph where she also continues to use strong action verbs to underscore the impact of her work.

Importantly, the applicant has explained why every research she has undertaken is important and the significance of the research she will now pursue.

University of Washington Accepted SoP for PhD in CS

Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to University of Washington CS program 1 of 2
SoP 2 for PhD in CS 1/2
Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to University of Washington CS program 2 of 2
SoP 2 for PhD in CS 2/2

What makes this SoP special?

In this Statement of purpose for PhD in computer science that was accepted at the University of Washington, the applicant also captures her experience in a chronological manner showing how she has grown both as a person and a researcher.

She goes ahead to explain why her experiences matter, something that many applicants overlook. Pay attention to the second paragraph below where she explains that from her work as an undergraduate researcher, she learned two things namely research skills and approaches that formed the foundation of her future work.

In describing her interests, the applicant does not shy away from explaining areas where she has struggled.

Some applicants assume that for the SOP to be compelling, they must have everything figured out. The AdCom does not expect that you know everything otherwise you wouldn’t have applied.

In fact, highlighting areas where you have struggles open a window for you to explain how the university and the program will help you.

Like in SOP 1, the applicant has used strong action verbs.

Notable also is that for each area of research interest the applicant has described, there’s an explanation of what she has done and what she intends to do.

MIT Accepted SoP for PhD in CS (2)

Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to MIT CS program 1 of 3 (2)
SoP 3 for PhD in CS 1/3
Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to MIT CS program 2 of 3 (2)
SoP 3 for PhD in CS 2/3
Body detailing the qualifications of one of the applicants to MIT CS program 3 of 3 (2)
SoP 3 for PhD in CS 3/3

What makes this SoP special?

This last SoP that was accepted at MIT follows the same chronological pattern as the previous two.

The applicant names people she has worked with, the nature of the research, and outcomes, which are important publications and presentations.

In describing her experiences, she highlights the challenges he encountered and how she solved them.

Note the use of “we” to bring out collaborative skills as well as the heavy presence of strong action verbs in the SOP.

In paragraph 3 in particular, the applicant employs one of the tips we shared earlier about using concrete as opposed to vague experience: “I was one of the three winners…..”

Fitness for the Program and Future Goals

It’s of vital importance to describe why you’re a good fit for the program you’re applying to.

Do your research about some of the professors whose work align with your interest and describe exactly how you’ll work together.

It’s always recommendable to have several professors as long as you can justify why you want to work with them.

Don’t just state that your interests are aligned.

Remember the goal is to show not to state.

With the career/future goals, make sure that the AdCom can see your future trajectory.

Describe the big human problem you want to solve and how this program will help with that. Below is a snapshot of how the three applicants wrote their fitness and future goals section.

MIT Accepted SoP for PhD in CS (1)

Description of fitness for the program and future goals for MIT accepted SoP for PhD in CS 1
SoP 1 Fitness for program and career goals

University of Washington Accepted SoP for PhD in CS

Description of fitness for the program and future goals for University of Washington accepted SoP for PhD in CS
SoP 2 fitness for program and career goals

MIT Accepted SoP for PhD in CS (2)

Description of fitness for the program and future goals for MIT accepted SoP for PhD in CS 2
SoP 3 fitness for program and career goals


From the three Statement of purpose for PhD in Computer science, we can summarize the formula thus:

  1. Introduction: State your research interest
  2. Describe your experiences, qualifications, and relevant extracurricular activities. Use concrete and quantifiable experiences, state the outcomes, and use strong action verbs to underscore your roles.
  3. Describe your fitness for the program and future goals.

Still have a question about your Statement of purpose for PhD in computer science? We’re here to help.

Written your Statement of purpose but are still anxious about whether it meets the highest standards required? You can speak to us. Check below our reviewing and editing checklist and drop us your draft and prompts followed for a review by ORDERING HERE

Our Reviewing Checklist

  1. Is the introductory narrative authentic, relevant, credible, and how well is it linked to your research interests?
  2. How well have you covered your background/qualifications? Have you used quantifiable and concrete experiences?
  3. In describing your experiences, have you employed a simple but effective formula typical  of well written SOPs that get acceptance to top programs?
  4. Have you anticipated potential deficiencies in your background and how well have you addressed them?
  5. Have you explained ‘why this program’ and have you made any of the common mistakes we see a lot in this section?
  6. Are your career goals described using the SMART model?
  7. Does your conclusion cover the big problem you’re going to help solve and how the program will help you?

Our Editing Checklist

Our editing services transform your Statement of Purpose:

  1. IDEAS-From fuzzy, disjointed, and sketchy to clear, focused and rich in detail
  2. ORGANIZATION-From incoherent with no lead to great lead, logical, coherent, and powerful end.
  3. VOICE-From boring, bland, and cliched to enthusiastic and gripping
  4. WORD CHOICE-From tired and overused words to strong verbs, clear nouns, and well chosen modifiers.
  5. CONVENTIONS-From numerous distracting errors to editorial correctness.
  6. SENTENCE FLUENCY-From bumpy, hard to read to easy to read.

Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1)

Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1) 1/5
Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1) 2/5
Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1) 3/5
Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1) 4/5
Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1) 5/6
Step by step Analysis of MIT accepted SoP for CS (1) 6/6

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